Tour of the Northern Tien-Shan
Tour of the Northern Tien-Shan

Almaty - the ravine Ushelye Turgen - batan - the pass of Druzhniye Rebyata (Good Friends)/4 070 m/ - the river of Chilik - the glacier of Zhangirik - The Chiliko-Keminskiy Pass /4 139/ - the lake of Djasil-Kol /3 116 m/ - the Ozyerniy (lake) pass /3 507 m/ - The Bolshoye (Big) Almaty Lake /2 600 m/ - Almaty


Weather conditions

Average day temperature +16C …+20C
Average night temperature +4C …+8C

Walking time

5-6 hours per day

Duration of a tour

9 days, 8 nights                               


July - September

Difference of heights

2000m - 4139m                                


Variant 1  ••••
Varian 2 ••

Variant 1
The tour begins in the valley of the river Turgen. This ravine is famous for its marvelous waterfalls and relic moss covered fir groves. There are rather numerous saks’ burial mounds dating back to 500 BC. According to the program we are to walk up the valley of the river Turgen to its source, then across the glacier of Gornogo Instituta ( of The Mountain Institute), over the pass of Druzhniye Rebyata (Good Friends) / 4 070 m /, then down to the picturesque ravine of the river Chilik. The valley of this river is attractive for people because of the various patterns of landscape and the more of it, divides the main ranges of The Nothern Tien-Shan: Zailiyskiy Alatau and Kungey Alatau.
We are to walk up the valley of the river Chilik for three days, which will leave unforgettable impressions of the wonders of nature in your memory: you will see a huge, surpassing any imagination ancient land slide that formed a natural dam and the deep narrow canyon, cut through it by the river, you will also see the beautiful mountain lakes situated in the Alpine meadows.
We’ll have to cross the rapid violent river of Yugovostochniy Talgar (South-Eastern Talgar) with the help of rope railings.
In the upper part of the valley we’ll have to climb over the Chiliko-Keminskiy pass /4 139 m/ to get to the sources of two biggest rivers of these places: Chilik and Chong-Kemin. Below this pass there is a lake called Djasil-Kol.
It is surrounded by the mountain peaks and may surprise you by its amazing turquoise color. In the concluding part of our journey, from the valley of the river Chong-Kemin we’ll get to the Ozernoye ravine (Lake ravine), where at the height of 2 600 m above sea level you will see the Bolshoye (Big) Almatinskoye Ozero (Lake).
This lake is a water reservoir 1.6 km long and 1 km wide. It takes water from the melting glacier. From this point we shall drive to Almaty. 
Day 1: Drive: Almaty - the village of Turgen - Batan. /4 hours/ Walk: up the valley of the river Turgen. /3 hours/ Night in tents. Camp 1 - 2 300 m.
Day 2: Breakfast. Packing. Walk: along the valley of the river Turgen up to the glacier of Gornogo Instituta (of The Mountain Institute). /6 hours/. Night in tents. Camp 2 - 3 350 m.
Day 3: Breakfast. Packing. Ascent to the pass of Druzhniiye Rebyata ( Good Friends ) /4 070 m/ across the glacier of Gornogo Instituta (of The Mountain Institute). /3.5 hours/. Descent along the ravine of the river Zhelkaragay /2 hours 40 minutes/.
Day 4: Breakfast. Packing. Descent along the ravine of the river Zhelkaragay to the river Chilik. /3 hours/. Ascent along the valley of the river Chilik up to the confluence with the river Kairakty. /2.5 hours/. Night in tents. Camp 4 - 2 600 m.
Day 5: Breakfast. Packing. Ascent along the valley of the river Chilik up to the confluence with the river Yugovostochniy Talgar (South-Eastern Talgar) /5.5 hours/. Night in tents. Camp 5 - 3000 m.
Day 6: Breakfast. Packing. Crossing the river Yugovostochniiy Talgar (South-Eastern Talgar) / 1 hour/ - walk to the moraine of the glacier Zhangirik /5 hours/. Night in tents. Camp 6 - 3 350 m.
Day 7: Breakfast. Packing. Ascent to the Chiliko-Keminskiiy pass /4 139 m/ across the glacier Zhangirik /4 hours/. Descent to the lake Djasil-Kol / 3 116 m / /1.5 hours/. Night in tents. Camp 7 - 3 100 m.
Day 8: Breakfast. Packing. Descent along the valley of the river Chong-Kemin to the confluence with the river Kel-Almaty /1.5 hour/. Ascent to the Ozerniy pass /3 507 m/ - 3 hours. Descent /1 hour/. Night in tents. Camp 8 - 3 000 m.
Day 9: Breakfast. Packing. Descent along the river Ozernaya to the Bolshhoye Almatinskoye Ozero (The Big Almaty Lake) /2 600 m/, / 2 hours. Drive to Almaty /2 hours/

Variant 2
This variant makes it possible to change the first three days of the route by an easier one over the Amanzhol pass (3 519 m).
Day 1: Drive: Almaty - the village of Turgen - Batan - Plato Assy. /5 hours/ Ascent along the valley of the river Kizilbulak /1.5 hours/ Night in tents. Camp 1 (3 000 m).
Day 2: Breakfast. Packing. Walk: river Kizbulak - the Amanzhol pass (3 519m) - river Amanzhol /5 hours/. Night in tents. Camp 2 (2 900 m).
Day 3: Breakfast. Packing. Descent down the flow of the river Amanzhol to the river Chilik / 1 hour, 20 minutes/. Ascent up the flow of the river Chilik to the confluence with the river Sutbulak. Night in tents. Camp 3 (2 500 m).
Day 4: Breakfast. Packing. Ascent up the river Chilik to the confluence with the river Kairakty /6 hours/. Night in tents. Camp 4 (2 600 m)
Days 5-9: Coincide with Variant 1.
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kazakhstan mountains